Black Garlic Ice Cream. The new chocolate

Black Garlic Ice Cream the new chocolate!

by Chef Lippe

When served in a blind taste test our testers could not tell the difference between the chocolate ice cream and the Black Garlic. Why eat black garlic ice cream? In ancient times Black garlic was rumored as the hidden fountain of life. It is has been proven to lower cholesterol and believed to help the body fight cancer. It has 18 different amino acids that are required by the body to improve skin tone, make shiny hair and reduce wrinkles.

So if you need to eat ice cream at least have an ingredient that is good for you!


• 1 quarts half-and-half cream

• 1 quart whole milk

• 1/2 pint heavy cream

• 1 1/2 cups white sugar

• 4 teaspoons vanilla extract

• 1 pinch sea salt

• 8 cloves of black garlic


1. Combine 1 cup of whole milk with black garlic in food processor. Process on high for 3 to 5 minutes.

2. Add remaining half-and-half, cream, sugar, vanilla and sea salt process on high for 2 minutes.

3. Pour in to freezer container of ice cream maker. Freeze according to manufacturer’s instructions.

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  1. Pingback: Black Garlic the missing ingredient :

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